© Krista Mellin. Love, Ago app login.

R&D product design

I have been working with short and long product development projects for most of my career. My core skill is understanding the coherence of product concepts and being able to build expandable design systems. In addition, building service blueprints and business cases is something I enjoy doing as well.

About lean user experience design

The subject of my Master's thesis was incorporating lean user experience design in development teams. Whilst agile teams and cross-disciplinary collaboration have improved immensely since then, the key parts still hold true.

Filling the gap between design and development

Since I started my career as a developer a long time ago, I can speak some tech when I need to. I wouldn't try to dig into code anymore (I can offer vanilla JS at best at this time of frameworks), but I can help with some CSS and HTML here and there. The point being, diverse background helps in communicating with developers and understanding what is easy and what is not.

© Krista Mellin. Love, Ago admin dashboard.
© Krista Mellin. Love, Ago product concept.

Love, Ago: A case study.

We have been juggling ideas about elderly care and IoT for a while, but lacked a clear business case. A bit over a year ago I put all the ideas together, and Love, Ago was born. In short, it is an indoor location system precise enough to track on a centimetre scale. At Veracell (I am one of the partners) we are building an IoT platform and custom sensors with some support from Business Finland. First pilot is starting 2022 with a partner in the healthcare sector. Startup as we are, my role is to do a bit of everything from marketing to customer support and all the design in between.

My responsibilities:

  • User research & usability testing
  • Co-creation & facilitation
  • Concept design
  • Visual design
  • UI design & design system
  • Interactive prototypes (Figma)
© Krista Mellin. Segmentation tool for an e-commerce product.
© Krista Mellin. Love, Ago product concept.